Handyman Services


Handyman service by Helping Hands USA


Do you have a "to-do" list of home improvement projects, but don't have the proper tools, skills, or time to get it done? Call Helping Hands USA for their handyman services. Helping Hands USA has been providing handyman services to homeowners since 1997. Some contractors might not accept a job if it's too small, but no job is too small for Helping Hands USA's handyman services. Aside from the smaller services that Helping Hands USA's handyman services cover, we also offer remodeling services.


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(301) 889-9342


Why Call Helping Hands USA for Handyman Service

It takes time to maintain a home. Why spend your nights and weekends working after working all day? Have a handyman from Helping Hands USA do the work for you and enjoy your free time. Helping Hands USA also responds quickly to calls, so you can get your life back to normal.


Benefits of Choosing Helping Hands USA's Handyman Services

Master electricians and plumbers spend years training for their profession and it's not to do minor electrical or plumbing repairs. Likewise, general contractors want big jobs, not doing roof or siding repairs. Save money by hiring a handyman from Helping Hands USA to repair and maintain your home. Helping Hands USA wants small jobs. Let the contractors do the big jobs.


Helping Hands USA's Handyman Services

Aside from maintenance and repair, Helping Hands USA can also build, construct, and remodel. Need a shed? Helping Hands USA can build it. Remodeling a room? Helping Hands USA will do the labor. Save time, and money and live better, call Helping Hands USA today at (301) 889-9342 and learn more about our handyman service!

Call for Fast FREE Quote

(301) 889-9342

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